The Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) recently welcomed a courtesy visit from the Food and Agriculture Association (FAO) represented by country head Mr. Dante Eleuterio and together with him are Dr. Shiroma Sathyapala (FAO-Foresty Officer), Dr. Sarojini Fernando of Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dr. Jessa Ata (Plant Pathologist Consultant). During the visit, Mr. continue reading : Food and Agriculture Association (FAO) Head Visits Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) to Discuss Potential Interventions Against Pestalotiopsis Threat

PRRI Director and Basilan Governor Discuss Collaboration Against Rubber Disease Threat
Dr. Cheryl L. Eusala, the Director of the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI), paid a courtesy visit to Governor Jim Hataman Salliman of Basilan last April 27, 2023 to discuss the ongoing Pestalotiopsis threat in rubber and the need for collaboration between Basilan and PRRI. During the visit, Governor Salliman emphasized the importance of continue reading : PRRI Director and Basilan Governor Discuss Collaboration Against Rubber Disease Threat

Protecting Our Livelihood: Director Eusala Emphasizes the Importance of Cooperation and Collaboration in the Battle Against Pestalotiopsis at TARBEMCO’s Annual General Meeting
The recent 31st Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Tambanan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multipurpose Rubber Cooperative held last April 26, 2023 at the Tambanan Multipurpose Hall, Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay was a platform for Director Cheryl L. Eusala to emphasize the need for collaboration. During her speech, Director Eusala highlighted the importance of cooperation among continue reading : Protecting Our Livelihood: Director Eusala Emphasizes the Importance of Cooperation and Collaboration in the Battle Against Pestalotiopsis at TARBEMCO’s Annual General Meeting

WESMAARDEC Visits Philippine Rubber Research Institute
Experts from the Western Mindanao State University’s Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research, and Development Consortium (WESMAARRDEC) headed by Dr. Dulce Amor Matondo and WMSU- Satellite Socio-economics Research and Data Analytics Center Project Leader Dr. Anabel Gamorez, visited the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) for an exciting and productive day of discussions, information sharing, and continue reading : WESMAARDEC Visits Philippine Rubber Research Institute

PESTALOTIOPSIS: SURVEILLANCE AND ACTION – DA-PRRI’s Rapid Response to Pesta Threat in Caraga Region
In a collaborative effort to address the increasing cases of Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease, the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rubber Research Institute (DA-PRRI), headed by Executive Director Cheryl Lazaga Eusala quickly responded to the letter sent by DA-RCPC 13 informing of a suspected Pesta sighting in their region by sending by Dr. Jill Villanueva, continue reading : PESTALOTIOPSIS: SURVEILLANCE AND ACTION – DA-PRRI’s Rapid Response to Pesta Threat in Caraga Region