Executive Director Culmination Message in the 18-day campaign to end VAW

DA-PRRi Unites As one Family in the Battle Against VAW
DA-PRRI in the Culmination of the 18-day campaign to end Violence Against Women

Empowering Rubber Farmers: A Successful 2-Day PLFD CapDev Program
Conduct of the two-day Capacity Development Program for Rubber Farmers to combat Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease in Rubber Trees.

PRRI joins in the celebration of the World Soil Day 2023
PRRI joins in the celebration of the World Soil Day 2023
Soil and Water: a source of life
more info:https://www.fao.org

PRRI joins in the observation of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women
PRRI joins in the observation of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women | United for a VAW free Philippines #VAWfreePH#vawfreephilippines this is in support of the Philippine Commission on Women See post on fb.com/PhilRubber