1st Day- PRRI Strat Plan (May 9, 2023)
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rubber Research Institute (DA-PRRI), headed by Dr. Cheryl L. Eusala held its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2028 at Jackies’ Cuisine, Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay today, May 9-14, 2023, participated in by all regular and technical COS employees. The plan will outline the institute’s goals and objectives for the next five years, as well as the strategies and initiatives it will implement to achieve those goals.

PRRI is a staff bureau of the Department of Agriculture created into law in RA 10089 also known as PRRI Act of 2010, to conduct research, development and extension (RD&E) on rubber production and utilization. The institute has a mandate to promote the growth and development of the Philippine rubber industry, and to contribute to the country’s economic development.

Today, May 9, 2023, is the first day of the Strategic Planning activity. In her opening statement, Director Eusala said that everyone in the institute will have a say in PRRI’s internal strategic plan before it will be presented to the rubber stakeholders in the coming days. This Strategic Plan Workshop is done so that PRRI corresponds well with her new set of goals and objectives. Moreover, she presented the FY 2024 Plan and Budget Proposal as a basis for discussion, highlighting the policy directives of her administration.

In his first lecture, Dr. Leonard Legarda, a renowned expert on strategic planning, talked about the importance of strategic planning as a results-based approach. He was able to define strategic planning as “a systematic process of developing and implementing a plan that will help an organization achieve its goals and objectives.” He then went on to discuss the importance of strategic planning in the context of results-based management. Furthermore, a workshop on identifying the current situation of the rubber industry was done to see what needs to be immediately addressed. Everyone seems eager to bring something to the table and hopefully contribute to the success of the activity.

The overall atmosphere of the day reflects PRRI’s excitement and deep commitment to develop a Strategic Plan that will help the Philippine rubber industry achieve its full potential. Ultimately, the plan will be finalized and released in early 2023.

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2nd Day- PRRI Strat Plan (May 10, 2023)

3rd Day- PRRI Strat Plan (May 11, 2023)

PRRI continues to recalibrate its plans and programs in adherence to the policy directives of Director Eusala. 

As a recap during the second day of the activity, Ms. Honey Fe Gumay, the host of the event recalled the challenges, opportunities and the interest of the different stakeholders as components in crafting the objectives and goals of the institute for FY 2023-2028. Furthermore, Dr. Legarda facilitated the workshop of the expectations for PRRI. He stated that expectations play a vital role in PRRI, influencing our thought, actions, and behaviors toward the direction where we want PRRI to be in the succeeding years.

During the third day, Dr. Legarda tackled more on setting objectives to be followed by the workshop for the said activity. The rest of the afternoon was spent on identifying the risks and verifying the results of the team’s overall output.

This five-year plan is a roadmap for PRRI to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class research and development institution for rubber and rubber-related products. It also serves as a response to the challenges faced by the Philippine rubber industry. For this reason, PRRI will continue to invest in research, development and extension (RD&E) to develop new and improved rubber clones that are resistant to pests and diseases, develop new and more efficient rubber production methods. It will also continue to provide training and technical assistance to rubber farmers, develop rubber production technologies, and promote the use of Philippine rubber in the domestic and international markets. Finally, it will strengthen its production support services, improve its extension arms, and enhance its marketing and promotion efforts for a more holistic approach.

This FY 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will be crafted through a series of consultations with stakeholders, including rubber farmers, rubber industry representatives, and government officials. The consultations will be conducted in different parts of the country to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and priorities of the Philippine rubber industry.

At the end of the day, Executive Director Eusala expressed her confidence that the Strat Plan FY 2023-2028 will help fulfill PRRI its ultimate goal, which is to alleviate the lives of rubber farming community, thereby achieving success of the Philippine rubber industry as a whole.

– Julz Biolango


4th Day- PRRI Strat Plan (May 12, 2023)