The first PRRI advisory board meeting was held last March 8, 2019 at DA 2nd Floor, Biotech Conference Room, Quezon City. Present during the meeting were USEC for Policy, Planning, Research & Regulation Segfredo R. Serrano, BPI representative Andrea B. Inocencio, BAR representative Salvacion M. Ritual, PRRI Acting Executive Director Dennis H. Palabrica, Rubber Farmers Group representative Armado P. Pedragosa, HVCDP representative Regine Patiño,  PRRI Employees’ Association Chairman Ricarte V. Castro and the Board Secretariat composed of Girlie R. Saludo, PRRI Training Specialist III, Meynard P. Abello, PRRI Science Research Specialist II and   Daireen O. Go, PRRI Planning Officer II.  Mrs. Basilisa D. Ho, Representative from the Rubber Processing and Manufacturing Group is not present during the meeting due to conflict of her schedule.


Director Palabrica presented the Budget Proposal for CY 2020, Budget and Projects for CY 2019 and Accomplishment Report for CY 2018. The Board approved the 2020 proposed budget though it was also approved by the RDC. Dr. Palabrica emphasizes that ATI will handle the agricultural training while PRRI will hold the dissemination of mature rubber technologies. USec Serrano suggested of designing an in-house training in coordination with NGAs resource speaker wherein the office will pay only the traveling expenses.


Mr. Pedregosa of Rubber Farmer Group reported that obsolete rubber seedlings were distributed in their area. USec Serrano instructed revisiting the product standards and Good Agricultural Practices of rubber farms.  Ms. Inocencio of BPI also emphasizes that there is already guidelines in the procurement of rubber seedlings. Director Palabrica stressed out that the BAC TWG should visit the farm for proper evaluation. Pertaining to the establishment of village-based processing, PRRI will support the rubber associations/cooperatives on the technical aspect of the project, Dr. Palabrica added.


Dr. Palabrica informed the body that there is 250M Capital Outlay budget allotted for the construction of PRRI office building. USec Serrano instructed to talk with DBM regarding the plan and its contribution for the benefits of the rubber industry of the country.


Discussed also in the meeting are the next research studies to include improving farm management, varietal preferences, and diversified farming system. Mr. Pedregosa suggested intercropping abaca, lanzones or lumber trees provided it is disease free and never to intercropped with durian or cacao because it has the same disease with rubber. BPI suggested consulting PhilFIDA pertaining to intercropping with abaca to check if its virus free.  


Director Palabrica reminded the group that there is an ongoing study with BAR in intercropping rubber with cardava, banana variety. USec Serrano suggested intercropping rubber with black pepper or bamboo, wherein the leaves can be use as organic fertilizer.


Mr. Abello of PRRI presented the proposed area for the establishment of multi-lateral exchange clone program as follows JRMSU Tampilisan, Zamboangadel Norte,    LGU-Impasugong,        Bayawan City, Negros Oriental,            Palawan,         Carmen, North Cotabato, CARAGA and it was approved by the Board.


USec Serrano instructed to refer the Usurfruct agreement with the Legal Office.  He added trying to look with the last provision of the Usurfruct pertaining to the income generated by the project. Also, he emphasizes partnership in the agreement and suggested equal share of income.  He instructed PRRI to make sure if they are authorized to undergo a joint trust fund with the partner LGU/SUC.  He also question why there is no propose area in Luzon. Director Palabrica answered that we will wait on the ongoing study of Dr.Sena funded by BAR regarding the Adaptability Trial for possible establishment of rubber plantation in Luzon area.


Director Palabrica inquired if the office is allowed to give honorarium to the private sector members of the Advisory Board.  USec Serrano answered that as to the amount the PRRI management will look into, while the body approved the provision of such honorarium.  Ms. Ritual of BAR shared their experience in granting honorarium and it is based on the DOST guidelines.


The proposed logo of PRRI Office was presented and approved by the Board with notation of increasing the font size to clearly read the words “Philippine Rubber Research Institute”. It is agreed having the meeting on July and November this year and January next year on the first Thursday of said months.


USec Serrano gives his closing statement with appreciation to the attendees, PRRI management and secretariat.  Director Palabrica grabs the opportunity also to thank USec Serrano for all the support.