Dr. Jill Villanueva, Training Specialist III of the Philippine Rubber Research Institute took part in the consultation of the FAO and MAFAR held in Basilan last August 11 to 14, 2024. The visit was done to discuss the capacity building and training for the Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) and Farmer Leaders about insect pests and disease specializing in Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease (PLFD) causing most of the leaf fall of rubber in Basilan. The training is set to be done in the province of Basilan – to be sponsored by the FAO in collaboration with the Office of the Provincial Agriculture (OPAG) and MAFAR.
This visit was done to cascade the output of FAO experts’ exploratory visit in Basilan last year to monitor, validate, and create a comprehensive short, medium, to long term solution regarding PLFD that succumbed to the rubber plantations of Basilan BARMM.
The team also paid a courtesy call from Governor Jim Hataman-Saliman, Honourable Hanie Junuban, Provincial Director of MAFAR, Mr. Datu Fadz Jaljalis, Chief Agriculture of MAFAR and Mr. Argie Sarco, Director of the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Tourism of Basilan BARMM.
#PRRI #PestaDisease #BasilanBARMM #CapDev #AEWS #FarmerLeaders