WMSU Campus, Zamboanga City || January 26, 2024

Western Mindanao Agriculture and Resources and Development Consortium (WESMAARRDEC) recently conducted an activity, “Crafting and Updating of IEC Materials for Effective Technology Transfer”, last January 26, 2024 with 13 participants from various Regional Applied Research for Agriculture Innovation through Science and Engineering (RAISE) Program implementers, including WMSU, JRMSU, ZSCMST, and PRRI. PRRI was represnted by Mr. Gilbert Rance, Ms. Juliet Biolango and Ms. Xela Pingol.

The workshop aimed at enhancing technology transfer through the creation of impactful Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials. The discussions centered on the pivotal role of IEC materials in bridging the gap between research innovations and practical application in agriculture. Participants delved into the significance of tailored IEC materials in disseminating knowledge and addressing challenges within the agri-fishery sector.

A key takeaway from the workshop was the importance of customizing IEC materials to suit the specific requirements of technology transfer projects. This realization led to recommendations for ongoing capacity-building endeavors, including further hands-on training and knowledge-sharing forums.

PRRI being part of the RAISE Program assures that the seeds of knowledge planted during this workshop will produce abundant yields towards a sustainable and prosperous future of the rubber industry.

– Xela Pingol