Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research Conducts Onsite Monitoring and Documentation for DA-BAR Funded Project Implemented by PRRI

The Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) recently conducted onsite monitoring and full documentation for the project titled “Enhancing Latex Yield Rubber Recommended Clone Through Application of Stimulants towards Sustained Productivit”. This project is funded by DA-BAR and implemented by the Philippine Rubber Research Institute. The monitoring and documentation took place from June continue reading : Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research Conducts Onsite Monitoring and Documentation for DA-BAR Funded Project Implemented by PRRI

Capacity Development Training on Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease on Rubber in Basilan

The DA-Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI), in partnership with the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist – Basilan Province, recently organized a two-day Capacity Development Training on Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease (PLFD) on Rubber. The event took place at the ISAWAD Function Hall in Isabela City, Basilan, with the primary objective of addressing the challenges posed continue reading : Capacity Development Training on Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease on Rubber in Basilan

PRRI Unveils Ambitious Plans and Partnerships to Combat PLFD and Boost Philippine Rubber Industry during the CY 2023 2nd Quarter ERCom IX Meeting

Director Cheryl L. Eusala of the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) delivered an insightful presentation during the CY 2023 2nd Quarter EDCom IX Meeting on June 9, 2023. The director discussed the comprehensive plans and programs of PRRI for the period 2023-2028, along with updates on the status of Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease (PLFD). The continue reading : PRRI Unveils Ambitious Plans and Partnerships to Combat PLFD and Boost Philippine Rubber Industry during the CY 2023 2nd Quarter ERCom IX Meeting

The Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) supports a temporary ban on moving rubber planting materials in Zamboanga Sibugay, as stated in Provincial Executive Order No. 2023-008

The province’s rubber industry is seriously threatened by Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease, putting the rubber plantation of the province at risk requiring the creation of the provincial executive order. When infected planting materials are moved, the disease may spread rapidly, threatening the industry as a whole. The challenge is addressed by the executive order, which continue reading : The Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) supports a temporary ban on moving rubber planting materials in Zamboanga Sibugay, as stated in Provincial Executive Order No. 2023-008

Director Junel Soriano of Bureau of Agricultural Research Visits Philippine Rubber Research Institute June 5, 2023

In display of dedication to the advancement of the rubber industry, Director Junel Soriano of the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) embarked on a visit to the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI). With a warm and enthusiastic demeanor, Director Eusala wholeheartedly congratulated Director Soriano on his recent re-appointment as director of DA-BAR. Director Eusala shared continue reading : Director Junel Soriano of Bureau of Agricultural Research Visits Philippine Rubber Research Institute June 5, 2023