PRRI in the culmination of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women | United for a VAW free Philippines In emphasis of men’s role to addressing and eradicating Violence Against Women we asked the men of PRRI “As a man, what are you going to do to actively contribute in preventing and addressing violence continue reading : PRRI’s 18-day Campaign to End VAW Video

DA-PRRi Unites As one Family in the Battle Against VAW
DA-PRRI in the Culmination of the 18-day campaign to end Violence Against Women

PRRI joins in the observation of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women
PRRI joins in the observation of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women | United for a VAW free Philippines #VAWfreePH#vawfreephilippines this is in support of the Philippine Commission on Women See post on